Danh sách phim Jake Johnson

Điện ảnh

NămTênVaiGhi chú
2007Bunny WhippedBasketball Player
2008RedbeltGuayabera Shirt Man
2009Paper HeartNicholas Jasenovec
2010Get Him to the GreekJazz Man
2011Spilt MilkTodd
2011No Strings AttachedEli
2011A Very Harold & Kumar 3D ChristmasJesus Christ
2012Safety Not GuaranteedJeff Schwensen
201221 Jump StreetPrincipal Dadier
2013Drinking BuddiesLuke
2013The Pretty OneBasel
2013Coffee Town
2014The Lego MovieBarry (lồng tiếng)Vai khách mời
2014NeighborsSebastian Cremmington
2014Let's Be CopsRyan O'Malley
2015Digging for FireTimKiêm biên kịch và sản xuất
2015Jurassic WorldLowery Cruthers
2016Mike and Dave Need Wedding DatesRonnie
2017Win It AllEddie GarrettKiêm biên kịch và sản xuất
2017Smurfs: The Lost VillageGrouchy Smurf (lồng tiếng)
2017Becoming BondPeregrine CarruthersPhim tài liệu
2017The MummySergeant Chris Vail
2018TagRandy "Chilli" Cilliano
2018Spider-Man: Into the Spider-VersePeter Parker / Spider-Man (lồng tiếng)

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Jake Johnson http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&... http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?... http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2010037223 http://d-nb.info/gnd/1185666540 http://isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/000000007747044X //musicbrainz.org/artist/364230f3-bdf4-4dbe-9ded-7... http://stevemorse.org/birthday/birthday2.html https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2159926/ https://viaf.org/viaf/78227460 https://www.worldcat.org/identities/containsVIAFID...